Recette de frites croustillantes au fromage


• Pour des frites plus croûtantes, éliminez l’excès d’amidon en étrant les tranches de pomme de terre dans de l’eau froide pendant au moins 30 minutes.

2. Combine the seeds:

• In a large bowl, combine the salt, black pepper, and finely chopped cilantro.


Sauce to dip fries in (3)

The public eye

• Lessen the pressure on the apples and dry them with a hair dryer.

• Incorporate the chopped apples into the spice mixture until they are well coated.

Make sure that each piece of mozzarella gets the most out of the cheese by sprinkling it over the potatoes.

4. The Texture:

• Bring the cooking oil to a high heat in a frypan or stovetop over 180°C (350°F).

• Carefully add the covered kernels of corn so that they do not form kernels.

• Laver until they are dry and crumbly, which should take about 7 minutes. Change the time according to the size and

variety of ground apples.

5. Instructions:

The public eye

Remove the fryer basket and drain any excess oil after frying.

• Emphasizing the benefits of cheese, serve hot and simple with your favorite sauce or eat as is.

The outcome:

These cheese frites are the perfect finishing touch to a classic dish. Without a doubt, the combination of

Delicate patates frites, mozzarella cheese, and fresh herbs. From a party to a movie night or a casual get-together,

a manger, ces frites seront sûrement appréciées par tous. Enjoy your meal!


Make sure the potatoes are fully dry before frying them if you want more pommes frites.

• Découvrez les profils uniques des fromages en examinant différents kinds.

• For more heat, top with a pincée of flocons de piment rouge.

• Treatment that is both quick and effective.

Regarding the inquiries:

Question: En lieu de pommes de terre fraîches, peut-on utiliser les frites surgelées?

R: In case fresh potatoes are needed for texture and flavor, you may use frozen fries for more convenience.

However, as a result, adjust the roasting time.

Question: Do I need to fry these fries or can I just cook them?

Question: How can I save the leftover fries?

R: Reheat any leftover fries in a sealed container in the fridge for up to two days.

four in order to maintain freshness.

Question: Qu’est-ce que moi peut faire pour compléter la coriandre avec d’autres herbs?

R: Certainly! To get a different flavor, make sure to use herbs like rosemary, thyme, or persil. Ajuster

amount to suit your taste.

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