Mix Lime With Cinnamon And You’ll Thank Me Forever!


Combine lime juice and a teaspoon of cinnamon.

Paste the face, being careful not to get any in the eyes.

Rinse it off with lukewarm water after 10 to 15 minutes.

Dark spots and acne scars may both be reduced with the use of this mask. Because cinnamon is often quite strong, it is wise to do a patch test beforehand to make sure it won’t cause any adverse reactions.


Keep your cinnamon consumption limited, since it may be toxic in excess.

If you plan on going outside after rubbing lime juice into your skin, be sure to wear sunscreen since it might make your skin more photosensitive.

You may use this multipurpose blend of lime and cinnamon into your cooking and cosmetic regimens with ease because of the many advantages it provides. You never know what kind of positive effects the mixture may have on your health unless you give it a go.

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