Mike actually turned up his nose when I told him I was going to whip up this Creamy Potato & Hamburger Soup. He seriously thinks he doesn’t like hamburger in soups. Every time I talk about putting ground beef in a soup, he tells me he doesn’t like it. And then every single time I … Read more

Spaghetti meat sauce recipe

Spaghetti meat sauce recipe 2lbs of ground chuck 1 can of diced tomatoes 1 can of crushed tomatoes 2 cans tomato sauce 3 table spoon of olive oil 5 cloves of fresh garlic 1 large onion or 2 medium onions 1 green pepper 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1 teaspoon onion powder 2 tablespoon of minced … Read more


Ingredients 1 lb medium shrimp, deveined and tails removed 1 lb spaghetti noodles (more or less, depending on family size) 6 -8 garlic cloves, according to personal taste, minced 1/4 cup butter olive oil (3 drizzles) italian seasoning fresh ground pepper red pepper flakes salt herbs (according to taste) Directions 1 Boil pasta in water … Read more

Shrimp & Teriyaki Steak Noodles

Change things up with this double-protein noodle dish. Teriyaki-marinated steak paired with succulent shrimp and satisfying noodles. The sweet taste of teriyaki offers a mouthwatering tang and this Japanese-inspired dish makes a change from your regular dinnertime meals. It’s a simple dish that is elegant enough for a special occasion, and if you’re torn between … Read more

Strawberry Crunch Cheesecake Cones

Omg, these are awesome. I have to head to the store because my kids are already asking again for some. A cheesecake made in the Instant Pot inspired by your favorite ice cream bar! Strawberry Crunch Cheesecake is creamy and full of strawberry flavor. What was your favorite ice cream bar when you were a … Read more

Noël Baklava

Ingrédients : 1/2 livre de noix de pécan hachées 1/2 livre de noix hachées 2-3 cuillères à soupe. cannelle moulue 1 livre paquet de pâte Phyllo 1-1/2 tasse de beurre fondu 2-1/2 tasses chéri 1 cuillère à café. vanille 1 cuillère à café. zeste de citron râpé Mélangez les noix ensemble dans un grand bol … Read more


1 ⁄4 tasse d’huile d’olive 3 gousses d’ail hachées 1 ⁄2 cuillère à café de thym séché moulu 1 ⁄4 cuillère à café de sel assaisonné (facultatif) 1 ⁄2 tasse de parmesan râpé, divisé 1 ⁄4 tasse de persil frais haché 1 ⁄4 tasse de parmesan râpé 1 ⁄4 cuillère à café de sel assaisonné … Read more


Ingrédients 5 tortillas de 8 pouces environ 20 tours 1 tasse de miettes de cracker Graham 1/4 tasse de beurre fondu 1 tasse de fraises hachées 1/4 tasse de sucre 2 cuillères à café d’eau 1 cuillère à soupe de fécule de maï 1 cuillère à soupe d’eau froide 1 tasse de crème lourde 1 … Read more